Thursday 27 January 2011

Is This THE Year

Happy New Year wishes still ringing in your ears, the results of the Christmas treats on the waist and hips along with the New Year´s Resolutions to be fitter, healthier and lose weight. on your mind.

Is this going to be The Year, is this The One, well the only person that can make that decision is you. You can find support, there is loads of information out there, loads of offers, but the key is yourself. What you really want to achieve and even more important your personal WHY, you need to have a reason to change (whatever change you are making). It does not have to matter to anyone else, but it does to you.

We all have birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Easter, holidays, visitors, these are not reasons not to achieve your goal they are excuses that we use as escape routes. If your WHY is strong enough then you will not devalue yourself for others.

Make time for you, there is no magic wand to losing weight, changing shape or feeling healthier, but it is not as complicated as many think. You do not have to pay out thousands on fad diets and you do not have to make other meals for your family, unless you want to be healthy and they don´t.

Exercise does not have to be running a marathon, even if you have arthritis and major illnesses, laying in bed or sitting in a chair you can exercise. Pop some music on and dance, don´t worry about the neighbours. When the adverts come on the telly do some stretches, small changes done on a regular basis will have profound long term effects. Diving head long into any change with no real reason, you will last as long as your will power and then you will go through the guilt and blame game again.

I was there for many years, each time I made a promise to myself this year will be different, this will be my year, I would struggle through January (especially as it is my birthday in the middle of the month), by February my Bad or Black days are overtaking my good days, by the time March came I was usually heavier than my starting weight in January, feel bad about myself and yet another failure to notch up.

So, why we do that to ourselves? Maybe we are trying to please others, instead of pleasing ourselves, how different would we be if we only did the things we liked, loved, enjoyed and chose to, if you think this is impossible……think again; we have free will, we have choice. What we don´t like doing is accepting responsibilities for the outcomes of our choices, we still like to blame things, people, jobs, Government anything that gets us out of a rut.

Unfortunately the truth is until we accept that responsibility, then we will give in, find excuses and let our goals drift away. No matter what our age, or what we want to achieve, it is never too late or too early to start to take the reigns of our lives.

Sometimes this is where we need the help and guidance, whether it is weight, self confidence, alcohol, drugs, gambling, public speaking , guilt or anger, these are all symptoms of emotional unhappiness.

Go on be honest with yourself, why do you stop yourself doing the things that make you happy. Then just do them, give yourself permission and don´t expect perfection, after all you are human! Then see how much easier it is to achieve your goals.

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